
We know exactly which investors are in the market for your development. Thanks to our knowledge and decades of experience in sales guidance for new-build rental housing, we can quickly assess which parties will be interested and advise you on how to further adapt your housing programme to meet potential buyers’ requirements.

Together, we can create a more attractive investment product.

Through our daily involvement in residential investment transactions all over the Netherlands, we know how the market is developing. We apply that knowledge of the market to advising you on your desired programme, including rental programmes, at a location and with the corresponding price levels. We will be happy to advise and guide you with our integrated services during the sales process of your development, ensuring you get optimal results from the sale.

And even if you are not yet the owner of a site and are still exploring a potential acquisition or submitting a tender, we can provide ideas and advice to help you with the process. Obviously, if you are submitting a tender, you want to win it, but without running any unnecessary market risks.


ABC Capital also has several investors in our network who can act as backup for new-build projects in cases where circumstances prevent the sale proceeding as hoped, or where construction takes too long for the buyers’ market.


A selection of the transactions conducted for developers under our guidance

More references

Raadhuisplein, Drachten

132 new-build apartments

Weideveld, Bodegraven

50 plots for rental properties

Bassin, Maastricht

159 student apartments

Gideon Ummels
