Healthcare institutions

More and more healthcare institutions, including accredited care providers, need advice on accommodation following the reforms in the healthcare system. Whether you want guidance for a sale and lease-back construction, the disposal of existing real estate or are looking for a new healthcare location, ABC Capital will be happy to advise you.

Familiar with the laws and regulations

ABC Capital has in-depth understanding of the current legislation based on the Wet toelating zorginstellingen (Accredited Care Providers Act known as WTZi), which is monitored by the College Sanering Zorginstellingen (Board for the Restructuring of Care Institutions known as CSZ). Our sales process is perfectly adapted to accommodate the legal requirements arising from the legislation.

We offer healthcare institutions a full-service solution so that they obtain the necessary approvals. During the sales process, we also ensure that the CSZ representative keeps the restructuring linked up until a final decision is made, so that the approval process proceeds smoothly and neither party is left facing unpleasant surprises.


A selection of the healthcare property transactions conducted under our guidance

More references

Health Centers Portfolio, Cortese Capital

9 health centers

De Gouden Leeuw, Zelhem

Care complex with 40 units

Residentie Moermont, Bergen op Zoom

Healthcare complex with 224 units