Housing associations

Building on our experience and knowledge of current legislation and regulations, we have developed a sales process for housing association real estate that provides optimal protection against risks.

Familiar with the laws and regulations

ABC Capital advises and guides clients through the entire process. This includes the obligation to offer the homes for sale to the tenants, obtaining the views of the municipality and tenant’s associations on the sale of the complexes and on the buyer. We then ensure the final approval from the Autoriteit Woningcorporaties (the Netherlands Authority for Housing Associations). Our services also cover trouble-free real estate and management transfers.

ABC Capital has in-depth understanding of current regulations based on the Housing Act and the corresponding BTIV (Public Housing (accredited organisations) Decree) and RTIV (Regulations on Public Housing (Approved Organisations)). This means that any sales process we use is perfectly adapted to accommodate them. We also have experience with purchases, for housing associations, of complexes that are subject to services of general economic interest (DAEB) and complexes that are not (non-DAEB), and with setting up housing complex transactions between housing associations.


A selection of the transactions conducted for housing associations under our guidance

More references

Gouden Handen, ’s-Heerenberg

45 luxury apartments in a monument

Residentie Moermont, Bergen op Zoom

Healthcare complex with 224 units

Social housing portfolio in Leiden

867 social houses

drs. Vincent Walland MRICS RM
